Feeding Chamber

calmer patented feeding chamber illustrated

A Design So Innovative

it has Multiple patents

In a still picture, it’s hard to grasp the full benefits you get with Calmer Stalk Rolls!  But, on the right you’ll see a picture of the stalk roll feeding chamber that makes this the world’s only all-weather stalk roll. Both stalk rolls spin in unison, allowing the longest flutes to pull the stalk into a void (open window) where it enters quickly and easily without obstruction. The longest flutes that engage the stalks are hardened for long life (seen with the extra weld on top in the illustration).

The longest flutes engage and crush the stalk for efficient feeding and processing.

World’s Only All Weather Stalk Roll™

From high-moisture, green stalks to dry, brittle stalks, our patented open window feeding chamber enables your corn head to pick in any crop condition. After the open window closes, razor-sharp knives cut stalks into small pieces of confetti for accelerated decomposition, easier planting, and higher yields.  Enough talk – let’s watch!

marion calmer us patent holder for stalk rolls
BT CHOPPER® Patented Open Window Feeding Chamber illustrated
BT CHOPPER® Patented Open Window Feeding Chamber illustrated
BT CHOPPER® Patented Open Window Feeding Chamber illustrated

mechanical advantages:

  • Smallest Residue Sizing in the Industry
  • Performs in All Crop Conditions
  • Takes 25% Less HP Than Chopping Heads
  • Less Tire Wear
  • Allows for Slower Head Speeds
  • Less Butt Shelling 
  • Long Wear Life
  • Increases Harvesting Speeds 

“We run two combines now, one with Calmer BT CHOPPERS® and one that was new to us. We ran 3 to 4 rounds, stopped and walked for 10 minutes. We called and ordered a Calmer Kit for the new head! We didn’t run the new head until the Calmer order arrived and was installed.”

David & Jim Godfrey

Jonesville, MI

It’s easy to see that the open window makes all the difference between standard stalk rolls and Calmer’s patented design. No wonder farmers across North America are upgrading their old corn heads with Calmer Parts.  Simple and effective, Calmer stalk Rolls admit the stalk to be processed which offers significant advantages in picking down corn. From the open window, stalks are processed into confetti. Watch our slow motion footage to see the stalk processed in detail. Chopping Stalk Roll save horsepower and maintenance compared to operating chopping corn head with ‘lawn mower’ blades. 

“I like the system so well that I am selling my corn reel.”

Wayne Weber

Newton, IL

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