Does BT CHOPPER® Residue
Erosion Control & Management
testing from the field
Small Confetti and Leaves Provide Erosion Protection
Immediate rain barrier to soil
Holds Moisture Necessary for Decomposition
Decayed by Spring to provide Warmer Drier soils at planting
what They’re Saying
Client Testimonials
I put the BT choppers with the deck plates and the slow down kit on my 893 2 seasons ago. Used to have the JD knife rolls. The chopping job is substancially more aggressive on the head now over the JD knife rolls.
One benefit of the Calmers is that the stump of the stalk is sort of frayed, not sharply cut off like the stalkmaster does. I would say that the tire stubble damage is far less than with the stalkmaster. On average I would say that the stump is going to be taller too and that would help with less tire damage, imo.
I was told that my head is not a chopping head, but it does do alot of chopping! Another neighbor just ordered the complete kit from Calmers. That makes 4 in my nearby area that I know of.
I think you would like the head with the bt choppers.
Have a new kit sitting in the shed for my 612c. I have a full kit of his old knife rolls on an 894. The deck plate change on the 894 really helped more husks get pulled off. It will let the shank of the ear get into the rolls and that can help reduced trash going through the combine. I picked up .5MPH in harvest speed or more after the install. I am hoping for the confetti under the head with the choppers.
Demoed a rota disc -ended up putting Calmers on an older Case 12 row (IIRC 2412 or 2212 head ) rethroated to fit a Flagship 8230 like the way it works better than Rota disc –the cut off stalks are not as sharp –not hard on tires. We never liked a Case head but like this one with the Calmers have lasted about 8000 acres they look good to go another bunch of acres –cost 4 years ago about $1200 a row about $15000 for the 12 row.
Calmers confetti pieces work as claimed.
Look Deeper
Close examination of your field will reveal an even matte of leaf and stalk matter that will resist heavy rainfall erosion. Most misconceptions can be eradicated by close observation and following the scientific method – test and observe results.

Close examination of your field will reveal an even matte of leaf and stalk matter that will resist heavy rainfall erosion. Most misconceptions can be eradicated by close observation and following the scientific method – test and observe results.