15 in 15
On Farm Research Leads to Choosing 15 Inch Rows Lane Sinele is farming in central Illinois and he moved into the idea of planting at 15 inch distance between corn rows over 15 years ago rebuilding his head by hand with the help of his sons and calmer parts. Listen to...Illinois farmer reviews planting behind calmer corn head
Our shop foreman, Andy, is out planting his fields that were harvested with a Calmer-Built Corn Head equipped with BT Chopper® chopping stalk rolls in the fall. Listen along to the video as he describes his ‘very basic’ planter setup that is easy to use...Beaver Vineyards farm Recommends Calmer Kit
Beaver Vineyards Farm Recommends Calmer Kit for corn head performance and residue management Watch Beaver Vineyards’ self produced video as Tara talks through installation process along with the performance realized from the Calmer BT Chopper® Kit on their John...Operate and Maintain a “chopping” corn head for $1/ac
$1/AC Corn Head Operation and Maintenance with BT CHOPPERS restore function to old corn heads for the lowest operating cost.
Dave Hula Cuts Corn with BT CHOPPER® Stalk Rolls
Well in 2019 we put a set of the super choppers on our stock John
Deere head and what we saw was that they we were chopping that green corn stock up into inch and a half two-inch segments.
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