If you are a budget conscious operation, considering how to keep your hard earned dollars inside your bank account, instead of at your tracktor and implement dealer; consider upgrading your old John Deere 40 series corn head produces in the 60’s and 70’s; or refurbish your 90 Series corn head originally produced in the 1980 into the 1990’s with industry leading parts that restore performance to equal anything that will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars new from a manufacturer. The ‘bones’ of your old Deere head are just fine, unless you’ve changed row width, there’s probably a good deal on a used head near you. Install a Calmer kit to put industry leading performance into every row unit!
We have a 100% Satisfaction Gaurantee – we will buy back any kit that you do not believe performs as we claim.
With 20 years of technical and manufacturing refinements the BT CHOPPER® is a mature technology upgrade for nearly any corn head produced in the market today. The benefits over ‘lawn mower’ style chopping corn heads are tremendous, but start with reduced fuel consumption in the field. We have done studies that show 60% less trash is entering your threshing system, which with proper combine settings, will give you faster and cleaner threshing. We make the claim of the World’s Only All Weather Stalk roll, and while you may not want to drive all night, the closing power of the wear bar, in combination with the 10 intermeshing blades will chop and chew early season green stalks and late season dried stalks with dew or frost.
BT Chopper Features to Explore:
- Open Window Feeding Chamber opens to engage stalks, and is patented to prevent copies!
- BT Chopper Confetti Residue Decays faster, and is easier to plant into the following spring.
- View the detailed video illustrations of the BT Choppers in action to see how they will benefit your agrinomics.
- Refine your John Deere Corn head with improved stripper plates for clean gathering and less butt shelling dry corn
- Can wider opening stripper plates help you in down corn, or other adverse conditions?

Big picture Economics
Calmer upgrade parts are premium products that pay for themselves. Hear IL farmer, George Roberts, talk about the cost of maintaining his corn head and the economic benefits of installing Calmer parts. Every cost has a value and looking at the soil health, nitrogen return, ease of planting and increased yields all have economic benefits that impact on your bottom line.